My Car Broke!
4:55 p.m. on Monday, Jun. 06, 2005

For some odd reason, my poor Malibu won't start. It's the third car we have that's acted up this month. The Protege's gear shift wouldn't come out of park the other day. Also, the Corolla won't start. I did get to drive my Dad's Avalanche today though because of it. That thing rides so smooth. I seriously want one now.

I was also able to get to Borders and buy D.N.Angel v.8 and Bleach v.1. They still didn't have Angel Sanctuary v.8 though. Hopefully, they'll get it soon.


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

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