Another ignorance spat
10:12 p.m. on Monday, Apr. 15, 2002

ANOTHER IGNORANT FUCK!!! Lawd was he typing some dumb shit to Ricki. Now that nigga with his nonspelling bad grammar ass is IMing me typing about how he likes my style. DA FUCK?!? Some people really do not need an internet service.

Anyways....A refreshing picture

Now I'm on the phone with someone I dunno. Ok now I'm not. That was the weirdest convo ever.

I hope I don't run into anymore gotdamn ignorant ass folx. Damn folx can be stupid. Makes me hate people sometimes. And lately....Most of the ignorance has been coming from males. Makes me not want to mess with wun for a LONG ass time. Damn pigheaded ignorant ass men.

Rob has to be the best male I know right now. Rob, Benny, and More Rice are my males of 2002. I love them so. They're the best.

I talked to Destanee this morning. She said she thinks I ignore her because I don't IM her. I think its funny. Its not that at all. I just don't like to bother folx. Oneday Ill get over my shyness.

This is all I feel like typing now. I'm not heated like last night.

Random pic....

Tha beautiful Ms. Keys!! How I love her so. P'z.

P.S. I think I'll be back after typing with Mr. Ignoramus.


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

The current mood of PikoPikoKitsune at The current mood of the Internet at

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