My Easter Weekend
2:24 a.m. on Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003

Ok....So I actually went home this weekend. Friday was damn busy, I didn't do shit man. First, my mom and my sis get here about 7 to get me because Alicia has a hair appointment @ 9 and my doc appointment is at 11. So we drop her off, and come to find out, my doc office that was right across the street from where my sis was getting her hair done, has moved to Greenbelt. So we went all the way up there, come to find out, my appointment is @ 11:45. So we walk around Greenbelt Mall until it's time. It's 11:40 when we check in, my appointment is @ 11:45....I don't get seen until 1:00pm!! So yea, I start the pill again in a week or fun!

So after I'm all done with that, we go back to Rivertowne to get my sis. Then as soon as we get home, my dad gets home and we leave right back out again. We go to LaPlata to look at some systems for the new house my parents are having built in Indianhead....5 fuckin minutes from where we live now!! WTF? So yea, we're at the place for awhile. Then it's up to BW Parkway to find this restauant called Timbuktu. It's off of 100 East. OMG! Their food is so good! It's a seafood joint, but there are other things there too. The portions are HUGE!! It's expensive, but I say you get yer moneys worth. So after that, we're driving home and it's raining and shit. I get home and wanna go out, but they're like no because it's late and raining. I ended up going to bed kinda early cuz I had to get up @ 6 for my hair appointment @ 7. Sheesh!

So yea, I et out of my hair appointment around 10, go home and shower and all that jazz. Call up the buninskie to see if he wants me to come over, he said he'll call when he gets back home. So I go to St. Charles to get my watch fixed and see if Zena is @ Express for my interview. She says she's gonna have to give it to me in the summer now, she will be seeing me as soon as I get home too! So after that, I go to Spencer's. I buy this dice game thingy to play with yer sig. other. One dice has instructions, like lick, suck, and all that jazz. The other has breast, lips, and all that jazz. You roll them and whatever it says, you have to do it to that body part. Lol. I also bought some more glow in the dark cuffs cuz I lost my other ones. How do you lose glow in the dark cuffs? I have no idea. The whole time I'm in the store, some like late 30's-early 40's white guy is following me around. His mouth was messed up somehow and he could only talk out of one side. He kept teling me how beautiful and pretty I was. Then he was like "how old are you?" "only 19?" "you're very beautiful" "do you have a boyfriend" "awww that's too bad" "you're very beautiful." Shit was creeping me out. Had to get outta there.

So then I go home, finally he calls around 2:30 and I leave. We chilled, watched tv, teased each other a bit. I forgot how big IT was! It was funny. Haha! I had fun. I didn't leave there until about 12:30am. Bad me! I like pain. Lol.

Sunday, I slept all day. My momma brought me back to school around 6, showed me the lot where the house will be. Damn! That's a lot of grass! I got back to school around 8:30. Missed the Simpson's =[ And that was my weekend!

Why on Sunday mornin, my sis had some dream. She thought she heard my dad chokin' and my mom scream. So she locks her bedroom door, takes the screen out of her window, gets on the lil roof above the deck, jumps down, gets on the deck rail, jumps down, and runs down the street to a neighbor's house?!!?! Silly girl thought someone was in the house. *smh*

Time for bed! P'z.


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

The current mood of PikoPikoKitsune at The current mood of the Internet at

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