Fashion Show and After Party
3:20 a.m. on Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003

OMG!!!!!! I haven't been this bored in forever! I'm so tired too! I wanna go to sleep, but Jen and Steph seem to be wide awake and all into Lake Placid. This night has been very boring man. The only good thing about earlier was the movie Catch Me if You Can. It was funny, better than I thought. I liked it.

I think I forgot to type about last weekend and the fashion show and after party. Jen cocoordinated the show and it went great. Everything went off with no problems. The after party, different story. This big dude was all sweaty and was dancing with me because for some dumbass reason the DJ started playing slow jams. "Let's Get it On" came on and he grabbed me to dance. He was all sweaty and fat and shit. Ewwy! The best part of that party was I got to dance with Ever. Then they tried to do some freestyle shit and it got boring so we let and went to Sheets to get something to drink.

Umm....I'm too damn tired to think of anyhing else to type right now. P'z.


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

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