Hi bun bun
11:10 p.m. on Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003

Hi diaryland readers! Jah! OMG! You've been going through so much shit lately darlin'! I had no idea. I wish I could have been there for you more. Add this name (missyizbi) to your bl so you can stop ghosting on me all the damn time. I really miss you lady.

Renitz, I just now read your entry from 10 days ago. Yeah, stupid AOLers are always doing dumb shit, but they're not gonna run me off of AOL. I'ma stay out of spite. And I need your number to put in my adyy book, yours too Jah. And whoever else's # I don't have. Gimme it!!

Ok, now to type about my bun. I haven't mentioned him yet in here. I dunno why. I guess with all the dumbass AO-drama going on and then not knowing at first where we stood. I'm gonna let him read this, he'll notice I express myself more through writing than through speech. But yeah, I wasn't sure what was going on with "us" at first. I was confused as all hell. Some days I though I was his girl, some days I wasn't too sure. I get jealous easily too =/ So some things bother me from time to time...I never say anything about it though....I wuv you though bun bun. I'ma bug you all summer long. You'll get sick of me. But I'll tell you what I have to tell you on the phone...not in here. It'll sound more genuine if you can hear it. *muahZzZzz*

That's pretty much all I have to type in here....P'z.


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

The current mood of PikoPikoKitsune at www.imood.com The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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