9:40 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003

It's early in the morning before class and all and of course I'm cramping oh so very hard. It hurts! I don't wanna go to my meeting with my advisor or to class even. I just wanna lay around and not do anything.

Since I've been reading a new diary andshe's totally into vamps and the like as well, it made me want to put all the results from the vamp quizzez I've taken:

You are from clan Assamite. From the desert wastes
of the East come the Assamites, and they bring
with them a miasma of terror. The Assamites are
known throughout vampire society as a clan of
murderous assassins, working for whoever can
pay their price. The price they charge for
their work is the vitae of other Kindred; for
the Assamites, diablerie is the greatest

Now come and join your vampire community. href=http://quiz.ravenblack.net/blood.pl?biter=Capadocious>ENTER
HERE to become immortal.

What Vampire Clan Are You In (More Clans)
brought to you by Quizilla

<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

brought to you by Quizilla

Dark Mask
You are a Dark Mask, the fourth class of vampire.
You can adapt easily to any climate and
situation. Your servants are few, mostly
because you choose not to sire others. Your
chief ability is shiftery-- you can become
anyone or anything. Overall, you are a great
person. Keep us guessing.

What class of vampire are you? (some new images)
brought to you by Quizilla

Legardored is your Vampire name.

You are one hell of an insane Vampire. Anyone who
messes with you is out of their minds.

To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:


What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a villain. You are only happy if you are
ruining someones day and just love to reek

Anime Placement Test
brought to you by Quizilla

Do these quizzes make me seem like a bad person?


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

The current mood of PikoPikoKitsune at www.imood.com The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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