Here's How December Went
6:56 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 01, 2005

I know I haven't updated in a really long time, but things were very busy and very hectic. But, now that things have settled down a bit, I can type in here. The end of the semester and 2004 in general were uneventful other than all of the work that I had to do. I also called my job from last summer to see if I could work this break and Gay told me that she'd call me back if I could--she never called me back. How annoying. So I've been broke all break and running up my capital one card again from buying a lot of anime and manga. I'll post a list of all I bought a little later.

So, near the end of the semester, I had to finish my 30 minute screenplay, do my project for anime & manga class (I talked about YAOI and shonen-ai), study for my anime & manga final, finish making up 64 counts of a dance for Jazz Dance with Stephanie, do my remaining homeworks for Intro to Gender Studies, and do that class' final. Somehow, I managed to get it all done despite my constant procrastination. I ended up not applying to Brown though because the deadline was during finals week and I just didn't have the time to do my personal statement and come up with 30-40 pages of a writing sample, it just wasn't happening. That's OK though because at least it saved my $70 to spend later. I ended up finishing the semester with a 3.3! Yay! So even though my cumlative GPA isn't the greatest, hopefully my prospective grad schools will see that upward trend I've been making. Now on to winter break.

I left St. Mary's on Wednesday during finals week since my anime & manga final had been on Monday, we turned in our finished screenplay on Tuesday, and I finished my take home final for GS Wednesday before I left. I was out of there sometime between 3-4 after I had finished packing up my car and dropped Kate's final off to her office. I was SO glad to be going home. On my way home, the stupid Toyota, which I had brought down to campus right before Thanksgiving Break and only had down there for four weeks, that I also paid a $100 parking permit for, broke down on me on my way home. When I had taken it home for mission control the weekend before the last week of classes, it failed because it was leaking oil. They put some red dye or something in the car to slow the leaking, but I guess it didn't help. I was only probably about 35 minutes away from home when I noticed the engine was making some kind of noise, but I kept on trucking. Then, about 20 minutes away from home, I pulled over and called my mom because it seemed like the sound was getting louder, but I pulled off again because it seemed like the noise had quieted down. Probably about a minute later, the noise got A LOT louder so I pulled over again, but this time, it almost seemed like the brakes weren't working! Then the car jerked to a stop and the engine stalled so, I shut it off and just sat on the side of the road with my headlights on and listening to the radio. I called my mom again and she went to the grocery store to buy some oil, but it took her like an hour to get to me! So, I sat in a cold car for an hour listening to the radio. Even when she got there and put the oil in, the engine was still clank clanking away. So now it's just been sitting across the street ever since that day, December 16, 2004.

I did manage to get gifts for my Dad and my sister. I got my Dad this really heavy feeling sweat suit and my sister this cute boom box. My Mom kept telling me not to get her anything, so I didn't. I wanted to though. My Dad got my sis and I both mini ipods and my mom an ipod. I never could have guessed that present at all. So we were really excited about that. My mom gave me $300 in cash and of course I put it right in the bank so I could use it to pay on my credit card once I began to run it up (of course I did) and I proceeded right away to buy anime and manga.

Speaking of which, here's to December 2004 when I bought all of this!

Alice 19th vol. 1-7 (complete series)
Angel Sanctuary vol. 1-2
Boys Over Flowers vol. 1-9
Ceres: Celestial Maiden vol. 2-9
Cheeky Angel vol. 2-3
Fruits Basket vol. 6
Fushigi Yugi vol. 10-13
Imadoki vol. 1-3
Naruto vol. 5
Sensual Phrase vol. 1-5
X/1999 vol. 2-10

Boys Over Flowers vol. 1-6
Ceres: Celestial Maiden vol. 1-2 (Complete Series)
DNAngel vol. 2
Fushigi Yugi vol. 2-4
Kiddy Grade vol. 8
Love Hina vol. 3
Noir vol. 3-4
Saiyuki: Requiem
Spiral vol. 2
X TV Series vol. 1-5
Yu Yu Hakusho vol. 29

A lovely list, if I may say so myself. I haven't watched all of my new anime yet, because even though some have been paid for and shipped, they won't be here until Monday and Tuesday, so once they get here, I'm gonna have a "I've got a lot of new anime" marathon. Good thing too, never anything on TV to watch at all! I also made a table on MS Word so that I can put in the release dates of manga I'm currently collecting because I get tired of looking it up on the net. I've read each and every single manga that I've bought since I've been home and I'm absolutely in love with some of these series. I really had no clue I was such a fan of shojo, but I truly am. Oh joy!

Happy New Year everyone!


Past Adventures

Full-Time at Schinnerer! - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006-7:53 p.m.

Oh Noez! Interviews! And a Blast From the Past - Monday, Mar. 27, 2006-9:40 p.m.

Cars Cost Too Much and a Potential Full-Time Job - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006-3:35 p.m.

Long Time no Type! - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006-10:52 a.m.

I Heart Anime - Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005-5:00 p.m.


I'm 22 and searching for a "real" job, really into anime & manga, and that's what this diary is primarily about.
Love status: Currently single, but in love with dear Sanzo (more about me?)

Loves: Simplicity, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga
Hates: Large groups of people

The current mood of PikoPikoKitsune at The current mood of the Internet at

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